Source code for pyvueeel.pyvueeel_internal

"""Module with functions for 'pyvueeel' subpackage."""

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable
import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import warnings

from typing_extensions import Literal

import mylogging
from mypythontools.paths import find_path, PathLike
from mypythontools import types

# Lazy imports
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd

    # import mydatapreprocessing as mdp

from . import eel

expose_error_callback: None | Callable[..., None] = None
json_to_py = types.json_to_py

[docs]def run_gui( devel: bool | None = None, log_file_path: PathLike | None = None, is_multiprocessing: bool = False, build_gui_path: Literal["default"] | PathLike = "default", ) -> None: """Function that init and run `eel` project. It will autosetup chrome mode (if installed chrome or chromium, open separate window with no url bar, no bookmarks etc...) if chrome is not installed, it open microsoft Edge (by default on windows). In devel mode, app is connected on live vue server. Serve your web application with node, debug python app file that calls this function (do not run, just debug - server could stay running after close and occupy used port). Open browser on 8080. Debugger should correctly stop at breakpoints if frontend run some python function. Note: Check project-starter on github for working examples and tutorial how to run. Args: devel(bool | None, optional): If None, detected. Can be overwritten. Devel 0 run static assets, 1 run Vue server on localhost. Defaults to None. log_file_path (PathLike | None), optional): If not exist, it will create, if exist, it will append, if None, log to relative log.log and only if in production mode. Defaults to None. is_multiprocessing (bool, optional): If using multiprocessing in some library, set up to True. Defaults to False. build_gui_path (PathLike), optional): Where the web asset is. Only if debug is 0 but not run with pyinstaller. If None, it's automatically find (but is slower then). If 'default', path from project-starter is used - 'gui/web_builded' is used. Defaults to 'default'. If you want to understand this technology more into detail, check this tutorial """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", module="EelForkExcludeFiles", category=ResourceWarning, ) default_page = "index.html" if devel is None: # env var MY_PYTHON_VUE_ENVIRONMENT is configured and added with pyinstaller automatically # in build module devel = False if os.environ.get("MY_PYTHON_VUE_ENVIRONMENT") == "production" else True # Whether run is from .exe or from python is_built = True if getattr(sys, "frozen", False) else False if log_file_path: log_file = log_file_path else: log_file = "log.log" if is_built else None mylogging.config.OUTPUT = log_file # type: ignore if is_built: # gui folder is created with pyinstaller in build gui_path = Path(getattr(sys, "_MEIPASS")) / "gui" else: if devel: gui_path = ( find_path( default_page, ).parents[1] / "src" ) else: if build_gui_path: gui_path = Path(build_gui_path) else: gui_path = find_path( default_page, exclude_names=[ "public", "node_modules", "build", "dist", ], ).parent if not gui_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError("Web files not found, setup `build_gui_path` (where builded index.html is).") if devel: def close_callback_function(_page, _sockets): """Define what happens if user closes the window. For devel for example it's not good to close the application. """ close_callback = close_callback_function directory = gui_path app = None page = {"port": 8080} port = 8686 init_files = [".vue", ".js", ".html"] else: close_callback = None directory = gui_path app = "chrome" page = default_page port = 0 init_files = [".js", ".html"] eel.init( directory.as_posix(), init_files, exlcude_patterns=["chunk-vendors"], ) if is_multiprocessing: from multiprocessing import freeze_support freeze_support()"Py side started") try: eel.start( page, mode=app, cmdline_args=["--disable-features=TranslateUI"], close_callback=close_callback, host="localhost", port=port, disable_cache=True, ) except OSError: eel.start( page, mode="edge", host="localhost", close_callback=close_callback, port=port, disable_cache=True, ) except Exception: raise RuntimeError("Py side terminated...")
[docs]def expose(callback_function: Callable) -> None: """Wrap eel expose with try catch block and adding exception callback function. Used for example for printing error to the frontend. Args: callback_function (Callable): Function that will be called if exposed function fails on some error. """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", module="EelForkExcludeFiles", category=ResourceWarning, ) def inner(*args, **kwargs): try: return callback_function(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except if callable(expose_error_callback): expose_error_callback() # pylint: disable=not-callable else: mylogging.traceback(f"Unexpected error in function `{callback_function.__name__}`") eel._expose(callback_function.__name__, inner) # pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs]def to_vue_plotly(data: np.ndarray | pd.DataFrame, names: list = None) -> dict: """Takes data (dataframe or numpy array) and transforms it to form, that vue-plotly understand. Links to vue-plotly: - fork for vue 3 version Note: In js, you still need to edit the function, it's because no need to have all x axis for every column. Download the js function from project-starter and check for example. Args: data (np.array | pd.DataFrame): Plotted data. names (list, optional): If using array, you can define names. If using pandas, columns are automatically used. Defaults to None. Returns: dict: Data in form for plotting in frontend. Example: >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.DataFrame([[1, "a"], [2, "b"]], columns=["numbers", "letters"]) >>> to_vue_plotly(df) {'x_axis': [0, 1], 'y_axis': [[1, 2]], 'names': ['numbers']} """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np import mydatapreprocessing as mdp if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=names) data = pd.DataFrame(data) numeric_data = data.select_dtypes(include="number").round(decimals=3) # TODO fix datetime try: numeric_data = mdp.misc.add_none_to_gaps(numeric_data) except Exception: pass numeric_data = numeric_data.where(np.isfinite(numeric_data), np.nan) # TODO # Remove dirty hack... editing lists values_list = numeric_data.values.T.tolist() for i, j in enumerate(values_list): values_list[i] = [k if not np.isnan(k) else None for k in j] # TODO use typed dict? May not work in VUE return { "x_axis": numeric_data.index.to_list(), # type: ignore "y_axis": values_list, "names": numeric_data.columns.values.tolist(), }
[docs]def to_table(df: "pd.DataFrame", index: bool = False) -> dict: """Takes data (dataframe or numpy array) and transforms it to form, that vue-plotly library understands. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): Data. index (bool, optional): Whether use index as first column (or not at all). Returns: dict: Data in form for creating table in Vuetify v-data-table. Example: >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.DataFrame([[1, "a"], [2, "b"]], columns=["numbers", "letters"]) >>> to_table(df) {'table': [{'numbers': 1, 'letters': 'a'}, {'numbers': 2, 'letters': 'b'}], 'headers': [{'text': 'numbers', 'value': 'numbers', 'sortable': True}, {'text': 'letters', 'value': 'letters', 'sortable': True}]} """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError( "Only dataframe is allowed in to_table function. If you have Series, " "convert it to dataframe. You can use shape (1, x) for one row or use " "df.T and shape (x, 1) for one column." ) data = df.copy() data = data.round(decimals=3) if index: data.reset_index(inplace=True) # Numpy nan cannot be send to json - replace with None data = data.where(~data.isin([np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf]), None) headers = [{"text": i, "value": i, "sortable": True} for i in data.columns] # TODO use typed dict return { "table": data.to_dict("records"), "headers": headers, }
# TODO # Try to run npm run serve from if not running # try: # if devel: # If server is not running, it's started automatically # import psutil # import subprocess # import signal # already_run = 8080 in [i.laddr.port for i in psutil.net_connections()] # if not already_run: # subprocess.Popen(f"cd '{pystore.gui_path.as_posix()}' && npm run serve", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, # shell=True) # print("\nVue starting, reload page after loaded! \n") # import webbrowser #'http://localhost:8080/', new=2)